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Many of java learners when work on project, they need to send email to their clients for different purposes like on successful registration or a information for some event and so on. This video is con ...

we will learn here, how to write a class, what makes the class to be executable, how to compile the class, what the thing should be kept before executing our java class. ...

I have shown here to install Java development kit.It also contains the settings of path and classpath to prepare for java programming. ...

I have made a video to show how we can add an applet into web application. It is shown in two parts. The applet can communicate with database too. ...

How to install Java JDK (Java Development Kit) Go to the Oracle Java SE Download Page and click "Download".Next, click on "Accept" and select your operating system.Go through the install wizard.Go to ...

It uses JavaMail API, NetBeans IDE 7.0.1 First download the JavaMail API as shown in beginning of the video then follow the video to send email dynamically from your Gmail account. No need to open you ...

An applet is a program written in the Java programming language that can be included in an HTML page or can be test viewed in an Applet viewer. An applet includes all the features provided by a Java D ...

Whether you're an experienced programmer looking to add another language, or completely new to computer language and wanting to start with Java, this program is for you. After you've downloaded and in ...

Java works a little differently than languages like Python or PHP when it comes to working with variables. This tutorial shows you what the difference is, how you can define your variables and the eas ...

In Java, everything is an object, which can make it a little scary to start programming using this language. But that's what this tutorial is for! Here is how objects and object methods work when you' ...